3 steps to your first $1000 as a digital nomad

plus a sneaky trip to Cancun...

✈️ 3 Steps to Your First $1000 as a Digital Nomad

Hey There Nomad!

People massively overcomplicate making money online.

While the process itself is not easy, the strategies are simple.

Here are the main 3 steps for three popular online business models;

Freelancer Model

  1. Identify your marketable skill

  2. Create profiles on freelance platforms like Upwork or Freelancer and build a portfolio

  3. Start with smaller projects, deliver quality work, and gradually increase rates

40 hours of work x $25/hour = $1000

Coach/Content Creator Model

  1. Choose your niche and target market

  2. Pick a platform (blog, podcast, social media) and create content to grow your audience

  3. Create a newsletter, generate leads via content, promote your coaching/offers in your newsletter

5 hours of coaching x $200/hour = $1000

E-commerce Model

  1. Choose your niche and target market

  2. Create a Shopify or Etsy store and start with print-on-demand products to test market

  3. Use ads to quickly test conversions and use content marketing to generate leads and sales

50 products sold x $20/product = $1000

Sounds easy right?

But there are two main sticking points for all models;

  1. Getting started – self belief issues, choosing a niche, knowing what model to choose etc

  2. Growing your audience – the tenacity to keep going with minimal results at the start, investing in ads, pairing message with market etc

There’s no need to overcomplicate the models. They’re quite simple. Instead focus on overcoming the sticking points.

1. Getting Started

  • Boost your self-belief: List your past successes and transferable skills - you know more than you think you do

  • Choose a niche you’re genuinely interested in or curious about

  • Identify your unique skills and strengths through self-reflection and feedback and choose the best business model for your personality

  • Connect with like-minded individuals for support, motivation and to get around people who can believe in your dreams!

  • Just start – clarity comes from action, even if you pivot later

2. Growing Your Audience:

  • Focus on two platforms only: one long-form (newsletter, podcast, blog, YouTube) and one short-form (FB, IG, LI etc) – don’t try to be everywhere at once

  • Build an email list from Day 1!

  • Batch create content and schedule daily posts for consistency

  • Refine your messaging based on audience feedback and engagement

  • Don’t aim to be an influencer; be a friend offering valuable advice

  • Keep going! Consistency over the long term is key to success

You Know What To Do

Knowing is never truly the issue.

Youtube videos, podcasts and blog posts with step by step instructions are ten a penny.

It’s time to get over whatever fears are holding you back and execute!

👥 Join the Community

Get around like minded nomads who share your dreams and visions! Swap stories, pictures, hacks and tips for for boosting your income on the move, exploring new destinations, chasing dreams, and living your best life!

📝 Latest from The Working Traveller (and the web)

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I saw a great quote on FB this morning, apparently by the great Anthony Hopkins - ‘None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Eat the delicious food. Walk in the sunshine. Jump in the ocean. Say the truth that you're carrying in your heart like hidden treasure. Be silly. Be kind. Be weird. There's no time for anything else’ - Here’s my take on getting the most out of life…

✈️ The Working Traveller News

🏝️ Cancun Here We Come

For those who have just joined the newsletter, I’m currently housesitting my way around the UK - (here’s an update of where I am and what I’m doing).

Currently on housesit No 3, we’ve had a heatwave this week which has been lovely and reminds me what I love about the UK. ❤️

This week, we’ve had a BBQ, have been able to sit in their beautiful garden in the evenings (there’s nothing quite like an English garden), and walk the dogs through the fields near the house covered in wildflowers. 🪻🪷 

I’ve even had a Mr Whippy! (with a flake of course). 🍦

Anyhoo, house sit No 5 the dates got changed and we found ourselves ‘hanging about’ for a while, so decided to book a sneaky trip to Cancun!

Westin Lagunamar Beach - where we’re staying

Yippee! Mexico has long been on my bucket list and although this is a bit of a touristy trip this time round, it’s a whole new experience! I look forward to practising my Spanish. 😊

In the meantime we went to see house sit No 4 last week to meet the owners and their lovely old dog Arthur (the best part of house sitting is the animals).

It’s a lovely house right next to Wandsworth Common, which means we’re a very short tube ride into the City of London and I’m looking forward to sharing pics and stories from one of the best cities in the world!

But right now I’m off for a hike with these two lovelies and a pub lunch. Happy Sunday! 😁

Jessy & Lyra ❤️

🧭 Travel Trivia

Which country is home to the most languages spoken?

With an astonishing linguistic diversity, this country is home to over 800 languages, making it the most linguistically diverse nation in the world.

Nestled in one of the largest bodies of water in the world, its varied terrain and isolated communities have helped preserve a vast array of languages, each with its own unique cultural heritage.

Can you name the country where the most languages are spoken?

To find out the correct answer, select your preferred option below

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

That’s All Folks!

That’s it from me this week. I hope it’s been useful!

Make sure to come and join the group to connect with me and meet fellow nomads.

Have a fabulous week, live your best life and as always get out there and make it happen!

Jo 😊 

P.S. I’ve been working on the sales page for my Solopreneur Success Formula this week. If you’re having trouble getting your side hustle/online business off the ground, you’re not sure where to start, which niche to choose, what business model is best for you etc, this is the training for you!

Affiliate DisclaimerPlease assume some of the links in this email are affiliate links. Clicking on an affiliate link doesn’t cost you anything, but might generate enough for me to buy a cold one at the end of a long travel day! 😎 I only recommend products, services, businesses or people I've personally used or connected with, and believe can add value to your business & life. If you choose to purchase from any of my links, thanks so much for your support! 😊