52 Life & Business Lessons

plus the fastest route to nomadism

šŸ¤« 52 Lessons as I Turn 52 Years Old!

Hey There Nomad!

It was my 52nd birthday on Friday (13th, unlucky for some!)

I spent the day on a catamaran in Cancun, so it wasnā€™t unlucky for me, but more on that later.

To celebrate 52 years on this planet, here are 52 life (and business) lessons Iā€™ve learned over the years;

  1. It's never too late to reinvent yourself.

  2. Your life experience is your superpower.

  3. Action trumps theory every time.

  4. Develop resilience - it's your best friend.

  5. Learn to sell your skills, not your time.

  6. Lift others up - what goes around, comes around.

  7. Not everyone will understand your choices - that's okay.

  8. Price your services for value, not just survival.

  9. Surround yourself with big-thinkers.

  10. Make your own rules.

  11. ChatGPT/AI can be a great co-pilot - learn how to use it.

  12. Cut toxic people loose - life's too short.

  13. Clear communication prevents most problems.

  14. Every person you meet is a potential teacher.

  15. Take advice with a grain of salt - question everything.

  16. Your idols put their pants on one leg at a time too.

  17. Small wins compound into big successes.

  18. Your customers are your best business advisors.

  19. Wishful thinking isn't a business strategy.

  20. Be interesting, and interesting people will find you.

  21. Read regularly - it's compound interest for your mind.

  22. Journaling clarifies thinking - do it daily.

  23. Critics are often just fearful bystanders.

  24. Generosity opens unexpected doors.

  25. Physical health is wealth - invest in it.

  26. Clear minds make better decisions.

  27. Master one income stream before diversifying.

  28. Multiple income streams are your safety net.

  29. Create systems that work while you sleep.

  30. Focus on results, not fancy tools.

  31. Fail fast, learn faster.

  32. Stand on the shoulders of giants, but add your twist.

  33. Respect others' time as you would your own.

  34. Clarity beats cleverness every time.

  35. Punctuality is a form of respect.

  36. Prepare for the worst, but...

  37. ...expect the best - optimism fuels success.

  38. Confidence without arrogance is attractive.

  39. Diversity in skills future-proofs your income.

  40. Time management is life management.

  41. Start where you are, use what you have.

  42. Your future isn't dictated by your past.

  43. A genuine smile is your most powerful currency.

  44. Online social media arguments are time thieves.

  45. Real-world experience beats theoretical knowledge.

  46. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

  47. Learning is a lifelong adventure.

  48. You're the author of your next chapter.

  49. Travel doesn't just broaden the mind, it rewrites your story.

  50. It's never too late to start your nomadic journey.

  51. Building an email list is the most powerful online business strategy there is.

  52. When in doubt, turn it off and on again - works for tech and occasionally for life too. šŸ¤£

  53. Bonus - Be happy, have fun, love yourself. Lifeā€™s too short not too.

Thereā€™s also an extra one just for the ladies! Women between the ages of around 45-60 need to give themselves a break and be kind to themselves. Youā€™re not alone, 50% of the population goes through it, youā€™re not going mad and the brain fog will eventually lift! You rock! šŸ¤˜

Happy Birthday to me! šŸ„³

šŸ‘„ Join the Community

Get around like minded nomads who share your dreams and visions! Swap stories, pictures, hacks and tips for for boosting your income on the move, exploring new destinations, chasing dreams, and living your best life!

 šŸ“ Featured Post

Some books are a good read, others have the power to completely transform your life!

Here are two books that completely changed my life, the story that unfolded and some key takeaways;

šŸ˜Ž Sunday Shareables

Hereā€™s a few interesting tidbits & tips Iā€™ve been pondering/exploring this week, which I hope youā€™ll find interesting or useful;

  1. Fancy travelling the world with a ready made community of nomads and with all your travel arrangements such as flights, accommodation, tours, transfers etc, organized for you? Check out remote year. In their own words ā€˜you bring the job, weā€™ll take care of the restā€™. See their website here - https://www.remoteyear.com/

  2. Feeling a bit unproductive or looking for some inspiration to get your online business off the ground? This free summit might be what youā€™re looking for. Over 5 days starting tomorrow, (16th - 20th), youā€™ll receive 12 x 5 min videos daily from experts with one key takeaway from each to improve your business and get more organised. The summit is free or $47 if you want forever access to the vids plus some bonuses. You can see more details here - https://plansimple.com/back-to-business/

  3. My good friend and member of this community Tina Sibley is my inspiration! Sheā€™s hiked the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, climbed Kilimanjaro twice, volunteered in Tanzania and more! If youā€™d love a life changing challenge, Tina can organise group trips utilising her local connections for the best experiences! Find out more here.

I love this quote I saw on FB this week. It reminds me of the story Brendon Burchard used to tell about being the flower not the bee.

āœˆļø The Working Traveller News

 šŸ„³ Happy Birthday to Me!

As I said above it was my birthday on Friday and what better way to spend it than enjoying the sun, sand and tequila here in Cancun. Mexico!

I was very fortunate to head off on a Catamaran trip on the day and enjoyed some sailing, snorkelling, and a fabulous beach club on Isla Mujeres.

I had a wonderful day with my family.

Hereā€™s a few highlights;

Next week is our last week and weā€™re packing it in with a day out to Chichen Itza, a night at Coco Bongo, a Mexican Festival and a Jungle Speedboat Adventure.

I also wrote a post on the best things to do in Cancun, which you can find here;

šŸŒ Nomad Tip of the Week

 šŸ„³ The Fastest Way to Start Your Nomadic Journey

One of the fastest ways to begin your location-independent journey is to embrace freelancing.

Freelancing allows you to offer your expertise to clients worldwide, working on projects remotely. It's an excellent way to utilize the valuable skills you've accumulated over decades of experience.

Here's a quick guide to get started:

1. Identify your marketable skills (e.g., writing, consulting, graphic design)

2. Create profiles on top freelancing platforms:

  •  Upwork: Diverse opportunities across industries

  •  Fiverr: Offer specific skills or services

  •  Freelancer.com: Wide range of global projects

  •  Toptal: For experienced professionals in tech and business

  •  PeoplePerHour: Ideal for short-term or hourly work

3. Craft a compelling profile highlighting your experience

4. Start with smaller projects to build your online reputation

5. Gradually increase your rates as you gain positive reviews

Your years of expertise are your greatest asset in the freelance world! What skills can you lend to other business owners to make their lives easier/better?

For a more detailed guide check out my post on how to get started freelancing here;

šŸ§­ Travel Trivia

Which country has the longest coastline in the world?

This country boasts an incredibly long coastline, stretching over 200,000 kilometers. It features diverse landscapes, including rugged cliffs, sandy beaches, and numerous islands. Its extensive coastal area is home to a rich array of marine life and stunning natural beauty. 

Can you name this country?

To find out the correct answer, select your preferred option below

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Start Your Online Business in a Weekend

If youā€™d love to get a side hustle/online business off the ground asap, but youā€™re not sure where to start, which niche to choose, what business model is best for you etc, I have the answer!

Click the button below and start the life changing journey to physical and financial freedom today!

Thatā€™s All Folks!

Thatā€™s it from me this week. I hope itā€™s been useful!

Make sure to come and join the group to connect with me and meet fellow nomads.

Have a fabulous week, live your best life and as always get out there and make it happen!

Jo šŸ˜Š 

Affiliate DisclaimerPlease assume some of the links in this email are affiliate links. Clicking on an affiliate link doesnā€™t cost you anything, but might generate enough for me to buy a cold one at the end of a long travel day! šŸ˜Ž I only recommend products, services, businesses or people I've personally used or connected with, and believe can add value to your business & life. If you choose to purchase from any of my links, thanks so much for your support! šŸ˜Š