Can You Really Earn a Living While Embracing the World's Wonders?

the answer is a resounding Yes!

Hello awesome traveller!

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Working Traveller newsletter!

I started writing this to you from a hotel room in Chiang Mai, Thailand. I've just wrapped up an exciting week at an SEO (search engine optimisation) conference here.

A terrible photo of me, but the only one I have from this week! (With the guys from Surfer SEO)

‘SEO exciting?’, I here you cry! Surprisingly Yes! Because this wasn’t just any conference, and Chiang Mai isn’t just any city.

Have you ever been to Chiang Mai? It's a fantastic and vibrant city which is a hub for backpackers and digital nomads. It feels like the streets are alive with stories of adventure and innovation.

And this week, I've been right in the thick of it, soaking up every bit of wisdom and inspiration from location-independent entrepreneurs and travellers from all corners of the globe.

Among the crowd, I met a travel blogger who's on a mission to outshine TripAdvisor with his travel blog. Ambitious? Absolutely! But that's just the tip of the iceberg.

The variety of businesses and income-generating strategies I came across was nothing short of mind-blowing. From travel bloggers (my new besties!) to digital marketing wizards, everyone had a unique story to tell. And you can’t help but get inspired.

Here's a sneak peek at the diverse ways these globetrotters are funding their adventures:

  1. Travel Blogging

  2. SEO Agencies

  3. Niche Site Publishers

  4. SAAS Companies

  5. Content Agencies

  6. YouTube Influencers

  7. Digital Course Creators

  8. E-commerce Sites

  9. Affiliate Managers

  10. Podcast Hosts

  11. Remote Recruitment Agencies

  12. Digital Marketing Agencies

  13. Graphic Designers

  14. Fractional CMOs (a new buzz word)

  15. App Builders

  16. Copywriters

  17. Freelancers

And that's just scratching the surface!

My point in sharing this is to demonstrate that the world is brimming with opportunities to generate an income or start a side hustle/online business that gives you the freedom to live and work from anywhere.

And it's my goal to give you the tools, strategies and the inspiration to turn your travel dreams into a sustainable lifestyle!

I hope you're as excited as I am.

Hopefully you’ve already downloaded my free ebook - 200+ Ways to Generate an Income While Travelling the World. If not click below to download now.

Also I’d like to gift you my free PDF journal - 51 Actionable Tips to Start an Online Business You Can Run From Anywhere in the World.

Not just an ebook, this is a workbook you can print out or use on goodnotes or notability, and work through the tips and exercises in your own time.

I’d also like to draw your attention to some helpful posts on the blog;

I hope these help!

In the meantime, I'd love to hear from you.

Here are the topics I intend to cover in these newsletters and I'd love to know which are most important to you.

  1. Online Business, Side Hustle, and Income Generation Tips

  2. Bucket List Tips & Destination Spotlights

  3. Nomad Tips & Location Independent Hacks and Strategies

  4. Mindset Mastery & Sell-Empowerment Tips

Please hit reply and let me know the order of importance to you (1-4) and while you're at it, tell me a bit more about you.

What's your story? What are your goals? I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks for reading. I'm looking forward to diving in and exploring this incredible world of remote work and travel together!

Jo 😁 

P.S. Check out my FB post on the top things to do in Chiang Mai with some pics to inspire your travels!

P.P.S. This is my first newsletter using Beehiiv. Please let me know if you have any issues accessing downloads or readability issues or anything just doesn’t look right. Thanks so much!