- The Working Traveller
- Posts
- Gamechanger!
Plus 1.2 million views!

Happy Sunday!
T-minus 11 weeks until I become a perpetual traveller (in other words no fixed abode!)
We’ve now secured 3 house sits in the UK and have a zoom call later today to secure the 4th (wish me luck).
If all goes well we have free accommodation for the entirety of the 3 months we’re in the UK!
If you like the sound of free accommodation & haven’t yet read my guide on house sitting, please do so here;
Other than that it’s the calm before the storm here in Phuket, so here’s what I’ve got for you this week;
Travel Trivia
Mini Mastery - A Game Changing Decision
My video went viral - Over 1.2million views!
How to Start a Coaching Business From a Campervan (and more)
Travel Trivia!
Where in the world can you take a boat ride through subterranean rivers, guided by the glow of thousands of stars in the form of bioluminescent glowworms?

(answer at the bottom of the newsletter)
Mini Mastery - A Game Changing Decision
The book "The One Thing" by Gary Keller is all about the power of focusing on a single task or goal to achieve better results and greater success. The core idea is that by narrowing down your focus to one thing, you can cut through the noise, increase your efficiency, and make significant progress in the area that matters most to you.
Keller introduces the concept of the "focusing question":
"What's the ONE Thing I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?"
This question is designed to help us identify the most impactful task or goal that will make other tasks simpler or even irrelevant.
Over the years I have repeatedly asked myself this question, oscillating between the belief that this is a life changing question, to, it’s a load of rubbish, how can anybody ever really determine just one single thing!
As a consummate over achiever, the notion of focusing on just one thing is quite foreign to me and I’m constantly having to reorganise my Trello to archive lists upon lists of ideas, things to do, things to watch, read, test, play with etc; and my Evernote, and my notion and my notes app. (Getting the picture?)
However, the post written by Tim Ferriss that I sent you last week really got my brain cells whirring, particularly with our imminent travel plans & my need to organise my time better;

The question that started rattling around in my brain was mainly the second one;
‘What 20% of sources are resulting in 80% of my desired outcome and happiness?’
Permanently in a state of overwhelm, it forced me to explore whether was I spending my days truly doing things I wanted to do and that would take me closer to my goals, or was I overwhelmed with the wrong stuff?
I wrote a list of all my goals, and the tasks I felt would help me achieve them. Working backwards it slowly became clear to me the one single daily task that would help me to achieve 6 out of 9 of my goals far easier and would likely contribute in some meaningful way to the other 3!
To give you my example here’s an image of my notes - I hope you can read my handwriting!

To summarise in case you can’t read my writing (my husband says I write like a Doctor), I worked out that if I write one new blog post a day I will directly impact almost 70% of my ridiculously ambitious content goals.
Not only will it make everything else easier, it’s the one thing I want to do. I’ve been saying for years ‘I just want to get to the point where I’m writing every day’.
I now get to start every day doing something I love, knowing that it is contributing massively to the growth of my brand and my business while also improving my writing skills.
So why am I telling you all this? Because this is a GAME CHANGER if you can figure this out in your own business/life.
We are perpetually overwhelmed with all the decisions we think we should be making and the jobs we think we should be doing.
Somehow we’ve been conditioned to believe that unless it’s incredibly hard to achieve our goals we’re doing it wrong.
You know the easiest money my husband & I ever made?
Selling one digital cooking thermometer on Amazon.
Making sure every single day we created sales velocity whether through ads, blog posts, co-promotions, influencer marketing, you name it. But we had one goal, ‘create sales velocity’ every single day. That little thermometer grossed over a million dollars in sales in less than 12 months.
If you can work out the one thing that will drive your goals forward in any area of your life, the chances are you’ll start to create momentum and things will change.
Slowly at first like a huge tanker changing direction in the ocean. Then faster, faster, and eventually a Tsunami of results will follow.
I can’t wait to see where The Working Traveller is one year from now if I’m disciplined enough to publish one blog post a day. And I don’t mean SEO focused posts created for search engines. I mean posts from the heart. Posts I believe at my core, my audience want to read. Posts about the nomadic solopreneur journey. Posts about living your dreams. ❤️
In the meantime your mission this week, should you choose to accept it, is to ask yourself the same questions.
What 20% of sources are causing 80% of my problems and unhappiness?
What 20% of sources are resulting in 80% of my desired, outcome and happiness?
What’s the one thing I can do such that by doing it, everything else will become easier or unnecessary?
The answers to these questions could determine the entire trajectory of your life and business!
Please note, determining your ‘one thing’ doesn’t mean you abandon everything else (although in some cases that might be true). But it does mean that you will spend 80% of your time focusing on that one thing.
Flip the script. Spend only 20% on ‘others’ and 80% on your one thing.
As Stephen Covey said;
‘Make the main thing, the main thing’.
Over to you.
I hope this helps!
My Video Went Viral!
I don’t think I’ve ever had anything go viral before, but I am starting to see some of my posts on Facebook get incredible reach, simply from posting consistently every day.

But none quite as much as this simple video I posted a few weeks ago, after my daughter showed me how to use a sick bag to hold up your phone during take off/landing on a plane. (nice 🤢)
Such a simple little video. No editing, no music, just a handy little tip for those interested, which turned out to be 1.2 million people!

So what does that mean?
Well to be honest, not a lot. I’m sure I got some page followers from the post and even some subscribers, but going viral doesn’t automatically turn into page likes, follows, link clicks etc.
But it does highlight the power of consistency. You need to be in the game to win it and the more you show up the more chance you have of being found!
How to Build a Coaching Business From a Campervan (and more)
As per todays mini mastery, I’ve been publishing lots of new content on the blog this week!
Here’s a post inspired by an email I received this week from a reader who loves travelling in his campervan, asking how to start a ‘mobile’ coaching business;
Here are some critical lessons I’ve learned over the years travelling and building businesses on the go;
And following my Tim Ferriss trend for the last couple of weeks, it got me having another listen to the book - 4 Hour Workweek.
Here’s a summary of some of the top actionable ideas I’ve taken from the book that I hope will help with your nomadic solopreneur journey;
Trivia Answer
If you guessed the Waitomo Glowworm Caves in New Zealand, you are correct!
This extraordinary natural wonder allows visitors to take boat rides through subterranean rivers while marveling at the enchanting glow of thousands of bioluminescent glowworms.
We were lucky enough to experience these magical caves back in 2018 on a fantastic trip to New Zealand. Unfortunately I didn’t get any great pics, but take my word for it, it’s well worth seeing!
That’s All Folks
That’s it for this week!
Thanks for reading. If you have any questions you’d like me to blog about please use the link below to ask away.
In the meantime, make sure to come and connect on the FB Page, have a fabulous week, live your best life and as always get out there and make it happen!
Jo 😊
P.S. Please help me to understand your goals and wishes better and ensure I’m creating content that supports your journey, by completing this 2 minute survey. You’ll also be entered to the monthly draw to win a $25 Amazon gift card! (You can also participate anonymously if you prefer)
Also if you have any specific questions that you’d like me to address in a blog post, podcast episode or mini mastery, please click here and ask your question! I look forward to hearing from you. 😁
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