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- What Kind of Solopreneur Are You?
What Kind of Solopreneur Are You?
Plus an Etsy challenge update!

Hey there worldly wanderluster!
I hope you’ve been having a fab week.
T-minus 14 weeks until we’re off on our travels (not that I’m counting) 😂
I have zero travel stories to share with you this week as I haven’t been anywhere, but I did take photos of our house to advertise it to the local community on behalf of our lovely landlord, for when we leave.
Sometimes you get so caught up in living day to day, you forget how lucky you actually are, and when I took these photos, I found myself saying ‘wow, this is truly a lovely house'!’ And I’ve had the privilege of living here the last few years.
I will miss living here and will most definitely cherish the memories we’ve made, my amazing friends, and especially our lovely dog - (more on him at the bottom of the newsletter), but I’m also crazy excited to start exploring the world! 🗺️
So, on to todays newsletter issue! Today I have a fun quiz for you, to help you discover your entrepreneurial personality, some AI updates and how to live longer, better (so you can see more of the world), and a major Zero to $10k Etsy challenge update!
But first…
Travel Trivia!
Which capital city holds the record for the longest name in the world, according to the Guinness World Records, with its full ceremonial name stretching over 150 characters?
(answer at the bottom of the newsletter)
Mini Mastery - What Type of Solopreneur Are You?
I noticed from the recent survey responses (don't forget to fill it out for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card) that many are finding it challenging picking the right business model.
To help I have an engaging quiz you can take to see which business model is best suited to your personality.
Please note it’s just a bit of fun, but the feedback from those who've tried it in the past has been super positive, so it’s well worth the few minutes it takes to do it.
If you’re game, grab a paper & pen, google doc or wherever you take notes, and simply answer the following questions ticking the response that applies the most to you.
You will be tempted to answer more than one, and if that’s the case just create a list of second choices as that’s where there is some crossover and you want to make a note of that (for example I’m a cross between a creator and ecommerce).
Also don’t overthink it. Pick whichever statement you instinctively think most suits you. There’s no wrong or right and you won’t get tested. 😊
Then see which models you’re most suited to below, by adding up how many No 1’s, 2’s or 3’s you ticked.
Ready? Here are the questions;
Q1: Who’s your celebrity soulmate?
Oprah Winfrey - I’m passionate, I’m an expert in my own right, I’m a prolific content creator and I have a message the world needs to hear
Brian Tracy - I want to use my knowledge & skill sets to help others grow their businesses & like nothing better than helping others achieve their goals
Jeff Bezos - I have a head for business, an idea for a great product and I want to change the world (or at least add value)
Q2: Which of the following quotes do you need taped to your fridge?
Do what you want and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind’ - Dr Seuss
There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others - Mandy Hale
Great things in business are never done by one person, they’re done by a team of people - Steve Jobs
Q3: Where do you want to be a year from now?
Launching my new course/book/podcast/(insert digital product here)
Working with an amazing team, utilising my skills and solving other people’s problems
Selling more physical products that I have time to make/manufacture
Q4: You walk into a cocktail party, what happens next?
Without even trying, I become the center of a large group of laughing people and collate some great selfies for social media
I get into long conversations about other people’s businesses and suggest areas they can improve
I order the bartenders signature cocktail and try to reverse engineer what she puts into it, it’s so delicious
Q5: If I had plenty of money to build a business it would help me;
Get my blog/website built, grow my email list using ads, outsource video editing, podcast editing etc
Bring on a team so I can provide more services or outsource tasks that aren’t in my area of speciality
Buy more inventory and increase my range of products
Q6: What’s the bigger WHY behind your desire to build a business?
I want more freedom to travel, hang out with my family, ditch the daily grind and hopefully make a positive impact along the way.
I love to help and work with others and what better way to generate an income while doing something I enjoy
I just have so many ideas for awesome products that can add to or improve people’s lives!
Q7: There are 3 breakout rooms at a conference you’re attending. Which one do you sign up for?
“Content Mastery & Personal Brand Building: Your Online Success Blueprint”
“From Skill to Agency: Growing Your Business by Helping Others Grow”
“Ecommerce Unveiled: Launching Your Online Store from Ground Zero”
Now add up how many 1’s, 2’s or 3’s you got and click below to see your results (it would have made the email too long to add in all the result details here)
Now you know the type of business you’re most suited to, I’d love to hear your results!
Please click one option below to tell me your resultIf you got a strong crossover, click both options below, but add a number 1 or 2 on the next screen for your 1st & 2nd choice |
Resource Roundup
Here are some of the most interesting articles, podcasts or resources I’ve found on the web this week;
In my spare time, (mainly while walking the dog), I’ve started to gen up on AI & Crypto. I think it’s going to be so massively transformative to our lives and I don’t want to be behind the eight ball. Here is a podcast I’m listening to regularly as I love the crossover of AI & Longevity - Moonshots with Peter Diamandis. Listen to what Salim has to say about Bitcoin towards the end of this episode. I don’t have a crystal ball, but I will certainly be looking to include Bitcoin as a payment option for my courses and products where possible.
Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones - on Netflix This is a great series if you’re interested in living longer and having a greater quality of life as you grow older. I love the ethos around Ikigai. Okinawa is now on my bucket list and I’d love to meet some of the wonderful octogenarians that live there!
If you get a spare few minutes. I highly recommend you try out InVideo AI. It is a game changer in the world of video creation/editing. Here’s a video it made after I typed in the command - ‘make me a video about the top 5 things to do in Phuket’ - Watch video here. It’s not the most amazing video in the world, but this is without me adding any personalisation or doing any editing. This is 100% AI generated with just one command. I’m not sure how I may use this tool yet in my business, but I see a Mini Mastery coming soon!
Round the World Flights: I’m so used to booking singular flights to take me directly to where I want to go, I didn’t even realise that round the world flights were a thing anymore. But they are and they look pretty affordable (in relative terms) - https://www.smh.com.au/traveller/reviews-and-advice/can-you-still-get-round-the-world-tickets-yes-and-they-re-a-bargain-20240216-p5f5jh.html - I think this could be an option if you’re happy with the routes and stop offs, and are flexible with timings.
TWT Blog Bites
I’ve been amending and updating some posts on the blog this week and here are some posts I thought you might enjoy;
Zero to $10k Etsy Challenge
I finally have an update for you!
It’s been a bit of a slow burn, but I have made some progress and created some more products to add to my store. Yippeee!
You can read my full update via the link below, including how I’ve made the product design process ‘effortless’.
I’m looking forward to progressing this a bit faster now I’ve broken the back of getting started. 😎
Trivia Answer
The answer is Bangkok, Thailand!
While it's known worldwide as Bangkok, (and here in Thailand as Krung Thep) its full ceremonial name is;
Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit.
This name holds deep historical and cultural significance, reflecting various attributes of the city and its history.
I thought it was worth digging further and finding out what some of those terms meant literally or spiritually and here’s what I found;
Krung Thep Mahanakhon: "City of Angels, Great City"
Amon Rattanakosin: "Impenetrable City of God Indra in the great capital of the world endowed with nine precious gems"
Mahinthara Ayuthaya Mahadilok Phop: "The happy city, abounding in an enormous Royal Palace that resembles the heavenly abode where reigns the reincarnated god"
Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom: "A city given by Indra and built by Vishnukarm"
Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan: "City of God Indra, the grand capital of the world endowed with enormous treasures and grandeur"
Amon Piman Awatan Sathit: "The incomparable city with the magnificent Royal Palace that resembles the heavenly abode where the reincarnated gods dwell"
Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit: "Blessed with enchanting grandeur and a plethora of majestic and beautiful ornaments adorning the land"
So there you have it! Bookmark for your next game of Trivial Pursuits! 🤣
That’s All Folks
That’s it from me this week. I hope it’s been useful and you’re a bit clearer about the business model you want to pursue.
Make sure to come and connect on the FB Page, also please complete the survey if you haven’t yet, for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card (and to help me serve you better).
Have a fabulous week, live your best life and as always get out there and make it happen!
Jo 😊
P.S. Took this photo this morning which will stay with me forever more.

Mornings with Buddy ❤️
Buddy was a rescue pup that we said we’d keep for 3 months until we found him a home. It was love at first sight however, and he’s been with us now for nearly 4 years.
Luckily, at the same time, just a few doors up from where we live, our neighbours had also brought home a new puppy. A beautiful golden Labrador called Honey. Buddy & Honey became firm friends and have had many play dates and sleepovers ever since.
Honey’s family have become a second family for Buddy and will be welcoming him in full time when we leave in June. I’m so happy he will go to where he is loved as much as we love him, and to whom he loves just as much.
And although it’s going to be so hard to leave him behind, I’m grateful he came to us that night 4 years ago. He’s brought nothing but joy and love, and as someone who grew up without pets, he’s given me a new found understanding and greater love for animals, in particular dogs.
Love you little Bud! ❤️
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